U tube save video

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When you've found the page, press Ctrl+L on your keyboard to highlight the text in the , and then Ctrl+C to the Internet address. Use of one several options to download a YouTube video to your PC.

u tube save video
Just tap on the Download button to download the video on your mobile phone. Play any glad from YouTube that you want to download. Look no further than the RealPlayer Online Video Downloader. You will find Saved videos on this page. Upon clicking the Add to Offline button, YouTube app will ask you to select the resolution - Low, Medium, HD - of the file. North are the steps. With this handy application for ripping videos, copying YouTube content to your hard drive is as easy as ABC — it's the best YouTube video downloader for your PC or Mac. Ignore any advertisements that say you need to pay money to download a video. North are a lot of Web sites that offer u tube save video you can download to grab videos off YouTube, but why would you want to install a program when there are Web sites that do the conversion directly. Once you're on the home page, click the Account tab the one the right-most servile that looks like a human body. Read on to find out how to download YouTube videos to an iPhone, Mac or Android device.

You can also access your videos on other devices so you can watch them anytime and anywhere with no hassle at all! Low quality will download quickly, take lesser space on your device, but will be of relatively worse quality. Note: If the text field or Download Video button above is not visible or clickable, you can also type savefrom.

u tube save video

How Can I Save Videos From YouTube? - You can also choose where the downloaded video should be saved using the 'Browse' button at the bottom. If the video has multiple formats available, they will be shown below the main download button, you'll be able to choose many formats including audio only and video only formats if available.

u tube save video

Downloading videos from YouTube means you can watch them without an internet connection, which is ideal for keeping yourself entertained on planes, trains, and trips to places without reliable 4G or Wi-Fi. Downloading videos is also great if you have a mobile plan with a limited data allowance. You can download them to your phone using your home Wi-Fi, and watch them on the move without risking going over your data allocation. It's surprisingly easy to download videos from YouTube and other video hosting sites — and you can do it free. YouTube itself provides some tools for downloading videos on both desktop and mobile , and there are third-party tools that can do the job as well. Read on to find out how. Is downloading YouTube videos legal? Using third-party apps to download YouTube videos is against — which state that you are only able to stream videos directly from its servers. That said, YouTube does offer some ways to download videos through its web service and its own apps. How to download YouTube videos to a PC Once you've copied the video's URL from your browser, click the green 'Paste' button in 4K Video Downloader 2. Copy and paste the video URL Open your web browser, find the video you want to download from YouTube and copy its URL from the address bar. Then return to 4K Video Downloader and click the green 'Paste Link' button at the top left. The software will retrieve information about the video and give you a choice of quality options. These will vary depending on the quality of the original video, but the software can download YouTube videos in 4K if it's available. Choose the quality and format 4K Video Downloader will allow you to download whole YouTube videos, or just rip the audio. Choose your preferred selection using the drop-down menu on the left, then choose a format using the menu on the right. We prefer MP4 for our videos, because it gives a good balance of quality and file size — and will play on basically every device. Then, choose your quality. For playing back video on your TV or PC, we recommend picking the highest resolution, but bear in mind that this will take longer and will take up more space. Luckily, you can check the estimated file size on the left to see how much space it will take. You can also choose where the downloaded video should be saved using the 'Browse' button at the bottom. Once you're happy, click 'Download'. When you download an individual video, 4K Video Downloader will give you the option of downloading the entire channel 4. Download the YouTube video The YouTube video will now be downloaded for you. If there are other videos in the creator's channel, 4K Video Downloader will ask whether you want to download those as well. It can download up to 24 videos at once. Once the video has finished downloading, you can find it in the destination folder, or right-click it in 4K Video Downloader and select 'Play'. Unless you adjust the settings, the video will stay in this list until you choose to remove it — even if you close and restart the software. With Smart Mode, you can download YouTube Videos with a single click. It saves your settings so you don't have to re-enter them each time 5. Try Smart Mode If you often download videos in the same format, check out Smart Mode. This saves your download preferences and loads them automatically. Click the lightbulb icon at the top right and next time you paste a URL into 4K Video Downloader, it will be downloaded instantly with the last settings you used. Read on to find out how to download YouTube videos to an iPhone, Mac or Android device. Download videos with YouTube Premium If you have a subscription, you'll enjoy various perks, including the ability to download videos to watch offline without third-party software. You can do this using the YouTube, YouTube Music and YouTube gaming apps. Once the video has downloaded from YouTube successfully, you can find it in your Library or Account tab. You must be signed into your account to watch downloaded videos, and you can't respond to videos with comments or likes when watching them offline.